Axle Box Timken Covers Part 3.
Looking at the Axle Boxes on Oliver Cromwells tender there is a fifth stud which is not on the same PCD as the rest. This was the next job.
Hole was started with a slocombe drill
Rather than use the centering indicator I opted for a simpler method. A machined centre! Distance from centre of cover (Y axis) was 4.7mm, PCD for comparison was just over 5mm so not a huge difference. The X axis was set up by eye to be centred between the two lower holes.
The opened out to 1.5mm to give a slack fit on a 12BA stud.
These will sit proud of the surface unlike the four counterbored bolts.
Now moved over to the Pantograph Engraver, I'd calculated a reduction in size of 6:1 but this left the Letter height too large. I've set it to 7:1 at the moment but might have a look at using a wider font to see if it matches the original better.
Will try some test engraving I think before committing to the real axleboxes - not like me at all!
The test piece looked good so it was a full steam ahead.
Because the spacing between lines was to much I had to engrave Timkne first on all of the boxes and then reset for the B.R.
Each box required a tweak to the centring.
B.R. added.
I have the lighting at an oblique angle to make it easier to follow the text.
Finished the set.
They will need deburring with some emery paper
This is the font set I used. SC stands for Small Capitals. It was a good match to the original but the K wasn't completely correct but the difference is hard to see.
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